Friday, April 23, 2010

Time will lead us to the same realm

Quest is right around the corner. 8 weeks full of all sorts of characters. It's always a blast to get to know these kids that are so incredibly unique. The picture a day thing will be fun for those 8 weeks. If you don't know what I'm talking about, it's a summer camp I work at...

This will be my fourth summer as a counselor and it's something I look forward to every year since I began.

I'm wrapping up reading Salem's Lot and Big Machine. Big Machine keeps building up and then letting me down. Over and over. It's kind of annoying, but I want to see how it ends. A little less than a 100 pages to go. Salem's Lot however has been building and tearing out throats along the way. I'm loving it.

I've been using my holga camera more which I enjoy. I just love the quality (or lack there of) and the colors.

I'm watching On Any Sunday...

...and they said that there was a scientific study (in 1971 mind you) that stated besides soccer, this sport exhausted the body the most or something. Kind of surprised me so here it is for you...but you could probably care less about that.

Banksy was in SF recently with touring with Exit Through the Gift Shop and he did 2 pieces in the mission district and china town. This excites me and I want to go see them (and that film) this weekend. Let's see if I can't make that happen.

Damn! Ice racing!?!? Nuckin' Futs! Sorry...On Any Sunday again. Even though it was made in the early '70's and the narration is almost accidentally comedic, but it's fun.

Top 10 artists I wish I could have seen before they died:

10. The Ramones
9. Michael Jackson
8. NWA
7. Jimi Hendrix
6. Joy Division
5. Johnny Cash
4. Queen
3. Nirvana
2. The Beatles
1. Elliot Smith

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