Thursday, April 8, 2010

He who knows when he can fight and when he cannot, will be victorious.

I see lots of people are excited it's spring break. I'm not one of those people. It just means I have to work much more. That being the case, I did get to go walk around the bay in Berkeley, eat chili cheese fries, go to the Oakland zoo, and...well that's about it.

Ampersand is becoming more of a cat and less a kitten by the day. It's just the little things she does. They grow up so fast don't they? Oh time, so tricky. I wish I had more of it. More time for everything. Little bit here...little bit there.

More new music coming from Minus the Bear and The Dead Weather. Damn it! I can not wait. I find myself needing music more and more recently. Trusty companion! Truly my sidekick. Speaking of music, I'm going to see Jonsi next week which should be awesome. I've seen pictures of his stage set up and it looks like something new.

Top 10 track 1's (this list is off the top of my head...)
10. "Hollow" - A Perfect Circle (Mer de Noms)
9. "All the Love in the World" - NIN (With Teeth)
8. "Sunday Morning" - Velvet Underground and Nico (self titled)
7. "Vicarious" - Tool (10,000 Days)
6. "Kid A" - Radiohead (Kid A)
5. "Dead Leaves and the Dirty Ground" - The White Stripes (White Blood Cells)
4. "Sink to the Beat" - Cursive (Burst and Bloom EP)
3. "Private Eye" - Alkaline Trio (From Here to Infirmary)
2. "What I've Always Wanted To Say" - Far (Tin Cans...)
1. "Burying Luck" - Minus the Bear (Planet of Ice)

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