Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Exchanging facts about impacts.

and it seemed weird that two were close at the same time. The odds must be off the charts.

There's no proper system.

Watched Total Recall again for the first time in a while. That film still holds up. Even though a lot of the clothes and hair scream early 90's, most of the effects and the action are better than the majority of action/sci-fi films being made now. Also, the pacing is pretty tight and there's not a lot of bullshit.

Rained today. That was nice. It felt for a moment that I was in a different time. Not the past or future, but certainly not the present. The weather just made me feel like this morning was out of sequence and I was ok with that. It was nice.

Picked up the pace on reading. Finished On Writing by Stephen King which I found really interesting and informative. I don't write novels or stories, but it pointed out some things that I will keep an eye out while reading. Also came across a new short Chuck Palahniuk story called Phoenix which I really enjoyed. I liked it more than his past few books. I am looking forward to reading the re-release of Invisible Monsters.

Been listening to the same 3 CDs for the past week or so and really am enjoying them. A variety of artists and a variety of feelings.

I'm sitting here and Ampersand is literally right behind my head conked out and I can hear her breathing. It's pretty much the cutest thing ever. She sounds so peaceful. I wonder if she's dreaming at the moment. I bet she is and it consists of scratching the shit out of me...but lovingly so.

I feel like I should get rid of some things in my room. I feel like they just sit here unused, but I don't know what I would fill the space up with. Maybe nothing. Maybe I don't really care. I think I should build a tower for Ampersand because she would dig it. Then she could sleep up in the tower and dream her violent dreams. I wish I would remember my dreams more. The colors from my dreams, the people. It would be nice if that would happen more often. I like the lack of continuity in dreams, especially when


  1. Ive started a new playlist for cd #4. Im glad youve enjoyed the first 3 so far. Miss you :)

    1. I look forward to it. It's slowed production on a new one for you cause I just keep listening to the 3, but it's almost done anyway, so it won't be long.
