Thursday, February 28, 2013

Exchange a dream and share some fear.

I'm half awake as I write this (or half asleep...I can never tell), so excuse incoherent ramblings and/or spelling/grammar errors.

It's a shitty feeling when you return to work from your weekend and the weekend felt like it never happened. Maybe it said "just kidding". Maybe it didn't really happen. Maybe it did happen, but that is all that happened. Time passed and nothing else.

I've started to read more recently, started to get back into it. There's something about creating images of people and places in your head to keep the mind occupied. Getting to know characters that you love and hate at the same time is interesting. It's frustrating to a point, but not enough to make me stop reading. It's not that I even dislike getting to know characters that make me feel this way. Maybe that's how I know the writing is really good, or these characters are well thought and fleshed out. Maybe it's just their actions and reactions that get to me in both a good and bad way. Maybe I'm just indecisive and can't side with them one way or the other.

I love being introduced to new music. So much of it. All enjoyable. @><@

Captain Midnight is worn out. I think I need some sun, not too much though.

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