Wednesday, March 25, 2009

The past is a dream and the future is a worry.

One of the kids I work with is doing a mini-project on the black death. I guess I will be hearing about death and suffering for the next few days. Ohp...Now he's going on about Lucifer. Better than Bob the Builder I guess.

I got a new tattoo. It's permanent. About as permanent as I am anyway. I'm going to see Jonah on saturday. A little three hour drive. It's like a little road trip. I love road trips. When I see those people who live in RV's driving around all the time, I often think of how I would like to truck around in that thing from state to state just checking shit out. Could be a lot of fun. Not when I'm 80 with my wife of 50 years, but like when I'm in my early 30's with a bunch of friends. Early 30' Do I want kids? I like my time. It'd be rare with rugrats running around. Indesicsiveness at its best.

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