Sunday, January 29, 2012

rain rain rain rain rain rain

“Because of the consequences, the split-second consequences, everything he did or didn’t do became impossible.” – Denis Johnson

I have been keeping a book where I jot down quotes that I really like. Mostly from books I read, but overall, from whatever I come across. Thought I’d share one…maybe I will share one whenever I blog…Some I will share, but some I am keeping for myself, even though anyone could come across it.

Jump to now. A few months have past since my last blog. A year older, a year later, a second in the grand scheme of things; all sorts of twists and turns. Nothing I could have foreseen. My dad is feeling better. After his monthly visit to the hospital in March, he is planning on coming up here to visit. I’m not holding my breath, but we’ll see.

I’m no longer in school to become a teacher. It’s not for me. I checked it out and now I know. I like kids and enjoy interacting with them, but teaching…no thanks. Looking for something new which is not easy.

Marla, our dog that we rescued from the pound in 1999 (Oct. 29th to be exact), was put down a few days ago. Her namesake was Helena Bonham Carter’s character in Fight Club. She lived with us until my mom moved out and she took her. She then lived with my mom and became her companion. Their relationship grew and they were perfect companions for each other. When we brought her home, she was skittish and if you tried to pet her, she would react as if your fist was cocked. Her ribs were visible like a French model. My mom worked with her and she was loved by all of us. A ways down the line and Marla was the happiest of dogs that would love to get in your lap and give you little head-butts to let you know she missed you. Now all I want is to give her one last head-butt to let her know she’ll be missed.

Last night, Kim and I went to see Matt Skiba. He is the lead singer of Alkaline Trio, Heavens, and theHELL among other projects. He was rad and I’ll get to that, but before he came on, an opener that I had heard of, but never heard (or seen) took the stage. Mike Park came out with his guitar in hand and killed it. He was obviously passionate about music and his songs which drew me in. That, plus he sounded awesome (which I wasn’t exactly expecting since he prefaced his set with something along the lines of “I’ll do my best tonight. I’m trying to beat this flu thing”). I can’t wait to see him play again.

After Mike played through his stuff, including a Billy Bragg and Alkaline Trio cover, Matt came out and had a setlist, but mostly listened to the crowd’s requests (including my request for My Friend Peter which it seemed everyone wanted to hear). He played through mostly Alkaline stuff with a handful of exceptions. Some solo stuff and a song he wrote for his Grandma that is going to be a part of his new project. An awesome show that was laid back with a huge amount of crowd participation which is always enjoyable.

Going to Seattle next month. 4 days. Kim and I will be taking in the sites and dodging raindrops (hopefully not snow). Can’t wait. The next time I blog will probably be after that. I’m done here.


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