Sunday, January 24, 2010


So it's official. I hate my car. Others hate my car. I haven't really met anyone who likes my car. It's having electrical problems and I'm having car problems. Stupid.

I'm contemplating what I want to do next in my life. Back to school? Online something or other? I should do it now while I can do online work at...well, work. It's hard for me to put my finger on what that is exactly.

Kim and I went to the Exploratorium with Patrick and Shayna and had a blast. It was a perfect idea that Kim had on a semi-raining day. It was followed by a delicious dinner that Patrick cooked and some Mario on the Wii. Quite possibly the best day of 2010 thus far.

I'm reading the same books I've been reading for a month or so. Under the Dome, Helter Skelter, Conversations with Walter Murch, and I just started The Name of the World by Denis Johnson. I am really enjoying the first three and haven't been able to sink my teeth into the Johnson book.

I've been watching some movies that I haven't really had an extreme urge to see, but was curious about. 2012, Deja Vu, The Bank Job, etc... The Bank Job was actually pretty awesome.

Top 10 film characters:

10. Ash (Bruce Campbell, Evil Dead trilogy)
9. Randle Patrick McMurphy (Jack Nicholson, One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest)
8. Amelie (Audrey Tautou, Amelie)
7. Patrick Bateman (Christian Bale, American Psycho)
6. Tyler Durden (Brad Pitt, Fight Club)
5. Han Solo (Harrison Ford, Star Wars trilogy)
4. The Joker (2009) (Heath Ledger, The Dark Knight)
3. Daniel Plainview (Daniel Day-Lewis, There Will Be Blood)
2. Jack Burton (Kurt Russell, Big Trouble In Little China)
1. Bill the Butcher (Daniel Day-Lewis, Gangs of New York)

God bless America.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry about the car-
    You write so well and I enjoy reading. I hope you can do an online something-that would be good
